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Canadian Opinions on Abortion: Abortion Polls Summarized | We Need A Law
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Canadian Opinions on Abortion: Abortion Polls Summarized

WNAL Staff / 04/06/2020 /
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Do Canadians support a law limiting abortion? Yes.

In all but one of the opinion polls publicly available since 2010, a majority of Canadians support at least some law regulating abortion.

Are Canadians pro-choice?

If you look at the polls that ask whether abortion is permissible (i.e. whether you always support a woman’s choice) the numbers are much closer, with an average of 48% supporting a choice at any point, 46% only supporting sometimes, and 5% unsure.

How can we interpret these results? With opinion polls it is always important to look at the methodology, what questions are being asked and who is being asked. For example, if you ask the average Canadian their opinions on abortion you must remember that (according to one poll) 77% of Canadians are unaware that Canada has no abortion law. Saying you support a women’s right to choose may mean something very different if you are assuming a woman can’t legally have a third trimester abortion.

The 2020 Dart poll is an excellent example of this. In that poll 71% believe a woman should be able to get an abortion for whatever reason, but at the same time 70% of Canadians think abortion should be illegal in the last trimester and 84% supported a law against sex selective abortion.

This illustrates the difference of being asked “Do you support women?” versus “Do you support the termination of a 24-week old fetus who is viable and can feel pain?” or “Do you support abortion targeting a pre-born child because of her sex?” It may feel good to affirm the first question, but uncomfortable when faced with what this means to the pre-born in the second questions.

Prominent pro-abortion activist Joyce Arthur acknowledges this saying, “Virtually everyone supports “freedom” and “privacy” so a large majority of people will agree that women should have both. But if specific questions are asked about exactly when fetal life should be protected, women’s so-called “complete freedom” to have abortions appears to take a sudden nosedive.” Abortion becomes far less palatable when you are faced with the reality of what it does to a pre-born human.

If you really want to know your opinion on abortion, consider the following:

  1. Do you know that Canada is the only democratic country with no law on abortion?
  2. Since Canada has no abortion law, do you think it is okay that abortions occur in the last trimester with no legal restrictions?
  3. Given questions 1 & 2, do you really think any choice a woman makes regarding her pre-born child should be legal?

If you’re not comfortable answering these questions in the affirmative, look at our International Standards Law as a solution. This proposed law would bring Canada in line with all other democratic countries in protecting pre-born children after 13-weeks gestation. It would also allow a waiting period for women seeking an abortion, along with independent counselling to ensure proper informed consent and to screen for coercion or abuse. It’s time we acknowledge that abortion is not only about women, but also about pre-born human beings. It’s time for a law that protects them, while supporting the women who carry them.

Links to opinion polls referenced in tables:

2010 Ipsos Reid

2011 AbacusData

2011 Environics

2012 Forum Research

2012 Postmedia

2012 Angus Reid

2013 Environics

2013 Angus Reid

2017 Ipsos Reid

2018 Angus Reid

2019 Public Square Research

2020 DART

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