Join us again this year! Bring the March for Life to neighbourhoods all across Canada. Life Week is coming up May 10 – 14, 2021.
Life Week is week of saturating our neighbourhoods with life-affirming messages. This year, Life Week is May 10-14.
Together, let’s make the pro-life movement visible! Make homemade signs to hang in your window, garage door, or fence, draw with sidewalk chalk, paint on your front windows, get creative! Take every opportunity to talk to your neighbours about why you are doing this.
So many Canadians still don’t know that Canada has no abortion law – ask your neighbours if they know this, and how they feel about that being the status quo. Talk about the value you place on every human life.
The week of May 10, from Monday to Friday, let your light shine as a pro-life house. May 13, the second Thursday in May, would have been the date of the major Marches for Life, and so on that day we encourage you to march through your neighbourhood with your signs, or organize a Convoy for Life in your community.
We are looking forward to seeing an even bigger and better at-home Life Week this year! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.