The infographic below is a visual snapshot of the work that went on in 2019. Below that you can find links to our Top 10 blog posts (based on website visits) from the past year. Enjoy the look back, and we look forward to continuing to work together in the new year!

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019
- Abortion was a regular topic of discussion this election, as it should be in a country with no abortion laws.
- Albertans rallied to ask their MLAs to vote against Motion 506, regarding increased abortion access.
- A guest post about a baby lost to abortion despite pro-lifers doing everything right.
- Another guest post: a mother’s story of being pressured to abort on the basis that her baby might have Down syndrome.
- Albertans made their voice heard and Motion 506 was voted down!
- The Unplanned movie made a big splash this year, with media coverage increasing its profile.
- The Missing Project was released, sharing 50 testimonies of abortion’s impact followed by a full-length documentary looking at the history of abortion law in Canada.
- The Canada Summer Jobs kerfuffle in review.
- Another guest post: The value of support following a pre-natal diagnosis of Down syndrome.
- Abortion benefits men: a study finds that men are more successful if they women they get pregnant choose abortion. Yet women continue to be sold the idea that abortion is there to benefit them.
Looking at these top posts, we are so thankful for those who shared their personal stories with us, who make this work so much more real and relevant. We are also encouraged again by the evidence of results when everyday pro-life Canadians get involved, talk to their representatives, show up to watch Unplanned at movie theatres, share on their social media, and help direct the conversation around pre-born human rights. Thank you for being part of this movement to make Canada more pro-life tomorrow than it was today.