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Top 10 of 2017 | We Need A Law
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Top 10 of 2017

WNAL Staff / 11/12/2017 /
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It’s been a busy year! Here’s a look back at our Top 10 most viewed posts in 2017. We’ll be adding one item per day for the last 10 days before Christmas, so check back daily to see what we wrote about that struck you most this year! As always, thank you so much for being here and being part of the amazing, life-affirming Canadian community that believes We Need a Law!

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#10: “Emotion is Utterly Certain”: Why the Abortion Debate Can’t be Won on Facts

This look at the need for one-on-one, heart-changing conversations will remain relevant for as long as the abortion debate continues. “The job of the pro-life movement is simply to exist and never, ever give up.”

Top 10

#9: New Infographic!

We were excited to have an updated infographic designed this year, and even more excited when you asked for thousands of them to distribute in your communities! They are perfect for casually leaving on your seat at the restaurant, on the bus, or on a park bench. We also hand them out at flag displays, churches, conferences, and other events. If you’d like to order some, contact Alicia at info@test.weneedalaw.ca.

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#8: Addressing Fetal Pain

Science shows consistent stress and pain reactions in fetuses, even before they reach a viable age for life outside the womb. This is horrifying when considered in light of what happens in an abortion, but should also be central in advances in prenatal surgery. “Our laws need to reflect the humanity of the second patient in fetal surgeries, honouring the mothers who choose to give their babies a chance as well as the doctors who pour their talents into such tiny, fragile patients.”

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#7: Are Canadian dollars contributing to gender-based violence around the world?

When the United States announced this year that they would pull funding from international organisations funding abortions, Canada was quick to step in with a starting offer of $20 million. On International Women’s Day, we wrote about the irony of giving millions of dollars to fund abortion overseas. Sex-selective abortion targets girls disproportionately more than boys, contributing to the devaluing of women we claim to want to lift up.

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#6: Is 100,000 not enough?

Apparently Prime Minister Trudeau and friends don’t think so. Another article about the funding going overseas to promote abortion far and wide. This was the topic most represented in our Top 10 posts and rightly so – we’re glad to know you all care about this as much as we do.

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#5: Human rights trump women’s rights

This has become a counter-cultural idea in Canadian society, as the pro-abortion movement tries to put the rights of women above the right to life of all humans. While women absolutely need equal rights to men, that does not include the right to kill their children, just as we would not allow men to do this without consequences.

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#4: FIPPA win at court

The big good news story of 2017! We went to court alongside pro-life blogger Patricia Maloney to argue an exception that blocked abortion statistics from Freedom of Information requests. The courts agreed that the exemption was unjustified, and Ontario’s abortion statistics are now accessible to the public, just like any other taxpayer funded medical procedure.

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#3: Canada Funding Abortion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

To those who noticed the erroneous Dominican Republic of the Congo in the Facebook post, thank you for graciously overlooking that and reading the article anyway 🙂 This powerful post was written by articling student Tabitha Ewert, and draws attention to a truly tragic use of Canadian money abroad.

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#2: Suffering Chickens

The outrage that ensued when abuse of chickens by chicken catchers in British Columbia was revealed was swift and certain. Director Mike Schouten, proud owner of some beautiful backyard chickens, understood the outrage – and wishes it would extend to how we treat the most vulnerable members of the human family.

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#1: Say no to funding abortion overseas

Our #1 post says a lot about you, our incredible supporters. The top post this year was a call to action, a request to contact your MP and call the Prime Minister’s office. This was the post that the most of you read and engaged with. Thank you for speaking up for what you, and we, believe in – that taxpayer money should never be spent on abortion, here or anywhere else in the world.

Seeing this as our top post is a great encouragement to us that we are part of building a community ready for action, a community that does not give up even when things seem impossible. Thank you for being here in this community with us. We look forward to working with you in the year ahead.

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