While George Orwell’s ‘1984’ was a warning, it has become a ‘how-to’ manual of sorts for cultural Marxists. Telling the truth requires knowing the facts and being free to talk about them openly.
The STOP CENSORSHIP TOUR will be hosting events throughout Ontario and you are invited to learn about how the Government of Ontario is actively hiding abortion statistics in order to frustrate the ongoing work of helping women and advancing pre-born human rights.
This event is free to attend and will feature John Sikkema, a lawyer with ARPA (Association for Reformed Political Action) Canada and Mike Schouten, Director of WeNeedaLAW.ca. The event will also feature Pat Maloney, a pro-life blogger from Ottawa who has been fighting for access to abortion data in Ontario.
There will be a financial appeal to support the ongoing efforts of WeNeedaLAW.ca.
Check below for a full listing of events, head to our Facebook events page for more details and to RSVP, or email Cassy Knegt at cassy@test.weneedalaw.ca for more information.