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Do Pre-born Human Rights Matter? What you can do to make a difference this Election 2015! | We Need A Law
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Do Pre-born Human Rights Matter? What you can do to make a difference this Election 2015!

WNAL Staff / 20/08/2015 /
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LifeTour FB Graphic FinalThe introduction of abortion legislation is one promise the major political parties will not be making in the lead up to the October 19th election. It may seem like a political victory for the pro-life movement in Canada is not forthcoming. It is as though God has withheld his favour on the labours of those striving for laws protecting our pre-born neighbours.

Will we ever succeed? Would it not be better to simply acknowledge that any effort to implement legislative change is futile? Maybe we should just focus on sharing the gospel and effect change that way.  The temptation to simply concede the status quo may be strong, but it is wrong and contrary to a Biblical understanding of the purpose of government. God restrains the evil of abortion by various means, including the government. Government is sent “to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good” (1 Peter 2:14).

The Bible is full of examples, both in the Old and New Testaments, of God’s people having influence on secular governments. Joseph, Daniel, Esther and Paul come to mind immediately. Regarding abortion and the Biblical teaching that all human beings are created in the image of God and have equal status before Him, perhaps it is easiest to point to Exodus 20 and the sixth commandment “You shall not kill”. The Scriptures are clear: the unjust killing of a human being is never met with the approval of a holy God. That said, the unjust killing of an innocent child is viewed with particular disdain. Consider Jeremiah 7: “The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes, declares the Lord….They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire – something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.” The creator God could not even fathom such a thing! The killing of innocent children is something God detests and (in human terms) did not anticipate human beings were even capable of doing!

We know God hates abortion. And we also know that he has put governments in place to restrain this evil as best they can. So, what to do when that government fails to do its duty? Well, my friends, all is not lost! We have a calling to do what is right; to do nothing is not an option.

The federal election gives us another opportunity to advance pre-born human rights. In order to use this time as effectively as possible we are focusing on three legislative initiatives which would take Canada in a positive direction and protect the rights of children in the womb. In the past four years none of the parties represented in the House of Commons have championed pre-born human rights. Nevertheless they all possess some distinct characteristics when it comes to party policy regarding sex-selective abortion, late-term abortion, and pre-born victims of crime.

The freedom for individual MPs to vote their conscience is also an important consideration and we have included some important quotes from the five parties featured on this issue as well.

We encourage you to question the individual candidates in your riding on these specific issues. Below each section you will find suggested questions that can be asked through various mediums: when the candidate arrives at your door; at an all-candidates meeting; by email, phone, or even through social media. We know it’s not always easy to engage on topics such as abortion so we want to make it as easy as possible for you.

Sex-selective Abortion






Passed resolution condemning gendercide at 2013 convention.

“I think we need to work closely with women’s groups and ensure that people understand that girls and boys are equal under the law, we don’t tolerate discrimination against girls and women.”(Rona Ambrose)[1]

Understand sex-selective abortion to be a ‘right’;

When asked specifically if he would advise a woman against gender selective abortion Mr. Trudeau said, “I don’t think the government should be in the business of legislating away people’s rights.”[2]

Not in favour of regulations.

Rely on “public education and awareness to bring an end to gender discriminatory abortions.” (Elizabeth May)

NDP MP and health critic Libby Davies  and MP Niki Ashton, the NDP’s status of women critic, said in a statement that sex selective abortion “has no place in our society.” They are calling for “education and support in order to combat that inequality.”[3] “Our society recognizes the equality and dignity of both sexes. Canadians who have been born are protected by the Charter from discrimination based on gender. The killing of an unborn child based on gender preference is not only ageist but also sexist.” (Rod Taylor, CHP leader)

Questions associated with sex-selective abortion

  • In Canada, killing a baby girl in the womb, simply because she’s a girl, is legal. In fact, a CBC investigation revealed this happens with disturbing regularity in this country. As an elected representative of this riding, what would you do to stop this practice?
  • Do you think it’s right for someone to have an abortion based on gender? (If not…) What are you going to do to end sex-selective abortion?
  • Examples for Twitter:
    • Hi @________. Curious, are you okay with abortion when it is only based on gender? #lifetour #elxn42
    • Hi @________. Do you support women’s rights for women of all ages? #defendgirls #lifetour #elxn42

Late-Term Abortion






If you want to diminish the number of abortions, you’ve got to change hearts and not laws. And I’m not interested in having a debate over abortion law.” (Prime Minister Harper)[4]

“A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion.” (Conservative Party Policy Declaration as amended by the delegates to the National Convention on November 2, 2013)[5]

Steadfastly maintain that a woman’s right to choose abortion on demand for any reason is a Charter right.

“The Liberal Party is the party of the Charter and we stand up and defend personal rights.” (Liberal leader Justin Trudeau)[6]

“The Green Party opposes any possible move to diminish the right of a woman to a safe, legal abortion. We fully support a woman’s right to choose.” (Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party)[7] Introduced a motion calling on the House of Commons to affirm that “a woman’s right to choose abortion is a fundamental question of equality and human rights, both in Canada and around the world.”[8]

“It’s not debatable, it’s not negotiable.” (NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair)[9]

“The CHP opposes the termination of innocent human life at any stage. The killing of a child in the womb after he or she has fingerprints, a heart-beat, brain waves, and is able to feel pain or even after he or she would be viable outside the womb is unconscionable.” (CHP Leader Rod Taylor)

Questions associated with late-term abortion

  • Canada, along with North Korea and China, is one of only three countries with no protections for children in the womb at any stage of pregnancy. Do you support laws protecting pre-born children after 11 weeks gestation? 18 weeks? 24 weeks?
  • On multiple occasions the courts in Canada have appealed to Parliament to enact abortion laws. This was most notable in the 1988 Morgentaler decision where the entire court recognized that fetal rights need protection at some point. Would you support a Parliamentary debate on when a child in the womb should have his or her rights protected?
  • Do you think the government should fund abortions when a baby would be viable outside the womb?
  • Examples for Twitter:
    • I think dismembering human beings is wrong. What do you think @______? #lifetour #elxn42
    • Discrimination based on age and size has no place in Canada. Do you support a late-term #abortion law? @_________ #elxn42 #lifetour

Pre-born Victims of Crime






The Conservative Party supports legislation to ensure that individuals who commit violence against a pregnant woman would face additional charges if her unborn child was killed or injured during the commission of a crime against the mother. [10] The Liberal Party position is unclear.

In 2008 they opposed Bill C-484, the Unborn Victims of Crime Act by saying, “We need to protect everyone against crime but, at the same time, it happens that I believe in the rights of women to choose.”[11]

Position unknown. Would not support a law that recognized the child in the womb as a victim.

Statements made by Windsor area MP Brian Masse indicate the NDP would only support stiffer sentencing.[12]

“All Canadians deserve the protection of the law against assault. When a preborn child and his or her mother are physically assaulted and death or damage occurs, that child, as well as his or her mother, deserve the protection of the law.” (CHP leader Rod Taylor)

 Questions associated with pre-born victims of crime

  • Last Christmas, Cassandra Kaake (pronounced Cake) and her daughter Molly were murdered in what appears to be a vicious home invasion. The attacker even set the house on fire when he left. Police have charged a man, but only with one count of murder. Molly was 30 weeks old, but still inside her mother. She had a room painted for her, grandparents and aunts and uncles eagerly awaiting her arrival. But the law refuses to recognize that Molly even existed. As an elected representative, would you support an unborn victims of crime law?
  • Do you think the killer of a pregnant woman should have a harsher sentence than the killer of someone who isn’t pregnant?
  • Examples for Twitter:
    • Hi @_______. If elected will you work to protect the choice to keep a pregnancy to term? #prebornvictimsofcrime #lifetour #elxn42 #mollymatters
    • When a pregnant woman is murdered should the perpetrator be charged for both deaths? @_________ #elxn42 #lifetour #mollymatters

Freedom of Conscience






“In public life there are issues that engage peoples’ moral views, engage their faith, engage their most deeply held beliefs. And it’s our party’s view that on those issues you cannot impose views on people.” (Prime Minister Stephen Harper) [13] “All Liberal MPs, regardless of their personal views, would be expected to vote pro-choice.” (Justin Trudeau) [14] The Green Party “around the world” never whips votes and she doesn’t, under her [Elizabeth May] party’s rules, have the power to unilaterally reject a nomination candidate who holds anti-abortion views. [15] “In the NDP, no MP is ever going to vote against the woman’s right to choose. No one will be allowed to run for the NDP if they don’t believe that it is a right in our society for women to make their own choices on their reproductive health. Period.” (Thomas Mulcair)[16] “The CHP encourages all MPs to vote according to the dictates of conscience on bills or motions that affect the protection of children in the womb. All CHP candidates have pledged to defend innocent human life from conception until natural death”. (CHP Leader Rod Taylor)

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