Using the government’s response via Chief Whip, Gordon O’Connor to Motion 312 (a proposal to study the definition of a human being), Douglas Farrow, Professor of Christian Thought at McGill University, <\/em>questions why we don’t learn from our mistakes and, seemingly, take every effort to ensure they are never corrected. In this article titled, “A chance to resuscitate Canadian politics<\/a>“, which is the text from a recent address to the 2012 Civitas Conference in Montreal, Mr. Farrow offers his thoughts on how Canadian politics can be resuscitated. His hope is that through the debate surrounding Motion 312, the Canadian people will “reckon with the fact that there is<\/em> no such thing as law or politics not based on a philosophical and moral tradition of some sort.” Farrow goes on to explaing that law and morality can’t be severed and that, “The appearance of M-312 in the House of Commons demands that we face squarely at least two questions. First: Do we know, can we say, whether abortion on demand is or is not consistent with the principles and the loves of the Canadian people? Second: Do we still think there is any essential connection between law and morality, and, if so, what is it? How does it work, and how should the House respect it?” <\/span><\/p>\n