Send Mr. Woodworth a note of encouragement: He can be reached<\/a>. The pro-choice movement has been attacking Stephen in both the traditional and new media. He needs to be thanked for standing up for the rights of children in the womb.<\/span><\/p>\n Petition and SimpleMail: Member of Parliament Mr. Stephen Woodworth has filed a motion with the House of Commons. This motion calls for a committee to be created with the mandate to review Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada which states that a child becomes a human being only at the moment of complete birth.<\/span><\/p>\n Parliament is supposed to be responsible for studying these heavy issues. As long as some human beings (so defined medically, socially, morally) are not called human beings in law, then Parliament must either give a justification for that legal reality or change the law. Our current government would rather ignore this very important issue.<\/span><\/p>\n Please help us in asking our elected representatives to do their duty and to support Mr. Woodworth\u2019s motion. First, please print off the attached petition<\/a> and get many more people to sign it before bringing it to your MP (see tips below). If you haven’t printed off the other petition requesting abortion legislation<\/a>, please do so at the same time and collect signatures for both. Second, please make use of this SimpleMail letter<\/a> to contact your MP, the Justice Minister, and the Prime Minister in just a few minutes.<\/span><\/p>\n This discussion is happening already, in the media, on university campuses, in homes and churches. It\u2019s time that Parliament has the discussion too.<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n In addition to using SimpleMail, we also encourage you to visit <\/span> <\/a><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n This campaign, which is being managed by a number of teenage pro-lifers is another excellent tool to get the attention of Prime Minister Harper asking him to speak out against abortion. Letters4Life has prepared letters you can use and also a unique method of tracking how many have been sent using a <\/span>‘Letter Tracker’<\/span><\/span>.<\/span> So, once you’ve sent your SimpleMail, go ahead and visit <\/span>their letter tracking site<\/a><\/strong> to add your letter to the over 20,000 sent so far!<\/strong> <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n