“I don\u2019t think a late-term abortion law would prevent any abortions because abortionists would simply lie about the age of the pre-born child. And, aren\u2019t late-term abortion so rare anyway?”<\/strong><\/span><\/em><\/p>\n Such a statement is not uncommon to be heard from the mouths of those opposed to saving some when saving all is not achievable.\u00a0 <\/span><\/p>\n Granted, abortionists may employ deceptive techniques to find ways around such a law, but we can\u2019t be so presumptuous as to use this as a reason not to enact legislation. We do not abolish laws just because we can\u2019t guarantee they will always be successful in preventing certain actions from taking place. <\/span><\/p>\n A late-term abortion law would in fact be a major deterrent, as abortionists who lied about the age of the pre-born child and committed illegal abortions would risk fines and\/or a prison sentence that would most likely be associated with such a piece of legislation.<\/span><\/p>\n We have to be careful in dismissing laws just because they are more difficult to prosecute or the crimes they address are rarely committed.<\/span><\/p>\n If it becomes problematic to prosecute certain crimes we don\u2019t decriminalize them. We work doubly hard to find ways to ensure they are prosecuted! <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>\n