Liberal, NDP, and Bloc MPs also spoke to the bill, as did Wagantall\u2019s Conservative colleague Karen Vecchio. The speeches from opposing parties were predictable in their pro-abortion arguments, but surprising in their extreme nature and vehemence. Rather than engage with Wagantall\u2019s very specific bill, they seemed intent on maintaining the perception of abortion as an inherent good ignoring any common ground and maintaining this as a politically polarizing issue.<\/p>\n
Conservative MP Karen Vecchio spoke to the intense emotions on both sides of the debate, expressing disappointment that some people come to the table with their ears already closed. This was very evident in some of the opposition speeches, as they used the time to promote abortion and even to seek to expand abortion access. While representatives of all parties expressed clear agreement that sex selective abortion is wrong, and has no place in Canada, they refused to support that truth with legislation.<\/p>\n
Immediately after the debate we did a live debrief of how things went, and where we go from here. You can watch that on our Facebook page<\/a>, or by clicking the image below.<\/p><\/div>