On this, International Women’s Day, we do well to consider: what are we as a nation doing to address gender-based violence?<\/p>\n
Last week Canada committed $20 million to a hastily organized “International Abortion Fund” so that women in developing countries would be able to access abortion services. Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canada’s International Development Minister, told reporters on a conference call that the $20 million was just a start and was all she could get together on such short notice. Canada\u2019s financial commitment was in response to the United States\u2019 decision to cease funding organizations that facilitate abortion overseas. Considering what slow progress is made on addressing issues such as climate change and poverty, it was amazing to see how quickly international partnerships came together to signal solidarity with abortion providers in underdeveloped countries.<\/p>\n
Canadians shouldn’t be surprised at this action by the Liberal government. After all, when he became leader, Justin Trudeau did announce that the Liberals were a \u201cno choice-but-pro-choice\u201d party when he declared a ban on pro-life candidates prior to the 2015 election.<\/p>\n
It’s not just overseas that abortion access is important to this government. A few weeks ago Maryam Monsef, Canada\u2019s new Status of Women Minister gave Planned Parenthood Ottawa $285,000\u00a0so they can use it to help women who face barriers to abortion. According to Ms. Monsef, any barriers to abortion constitute \u201cgender-based violence\u201d.<\/p>\n
To be sure, Canadians deplore gender-based violence. It is an affront to the dignity of all human beings and we need bold leadership to address this ongoing challenge. But are we really addressing it by throwing tax dollars to local Planned Parenthood offices or into an international fund where we really have no control over what happens to it?<\/p>\n
What if that money is actually contributing to gender-based violence? Internationally, and right here in Canada, there is a form of \u201creproductive choice\u201d that is itself gender-based violence.<\/p>\n